Realize it or not, we accept most things in life without truly seeing or comprehending it.
We don't continuously question about the wind. We established a concept about it once, that we can’t see it, hold it, or even draw it. But we know it’s there because we feel it brush against our skin, hear it rustle the leaves, and witness its force in the swaying of trees. Its effects are undeniable, even though it’s invisible to our eyes.
We also know the brain exists, because we can touch it, scan it, and study it. But what about the mind, the part of us that thinks, feels, and imagines? We can’t physically locate it or measure it, yet we experience it constantly.
Just look within the earth. The ocean is far from fully discovered. Scientists estimate that over 80% of the world's oceans remain unexplored and unmapped, particularly the deep-sea regions.
So if someone were to say there are billions of planets out there, some larger and more magnificent than Earth, would we immediately believe it? Perhaps scientifically, we'd acknowledge it as a possibility. But if we’re being honest, many of us would hesitate. Why? Because we haven’t seen them with our own eyes. Despite the evidence presented by telescopes and scientists, they remain “out of reach” in our personal understanding.
Let's say, if Allah tells us He's somehow in the unreachable part of the galaxy. Personally, I don't think it will make sense.
All of these examples remind us of a crucial point: our inability to see or comprehend something with our limited senses or understanding, doesn’t mean it is non-existent.
When we apply this perspective to larger questions—about the Creator, the universe, or the unseen—it should humble us. There’s so much about existence that lies beyond our comprehension. If we can accept invisible forces, undiscovered distant planets, or intangible concepts in our everyday lives, we should be able to acknowledge the possibility of something greater, even if we can’t fully understand it.
We will show Our signs to them in the horizons of the external world and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that it's the truth. Is your Lord not sufficient? He is a witness over all things.
[Surah Fussilat: 53]
If Allah were to reveal Himself in an observable form, would it leave room for faith, trust, or exploration of the divine? Perhaps part of life’s test is to recognize the presence of the unseen through its undeniable signs—signs embedded in the world around us.
When we pause to reflect, we realize: what we see is just the beginning. The true depth of existence lies beyond our comprehension, yet its reality is undeniable.